Mullins (2010) states that perception is the dynamic and complex way in which individuals select information (stimuli) from the environment, interpret and translate it so that a meaning is assigned which will result in a pattern of behaviour or thought.

Communication is a vital part of any business, university, football team, anything really that deals with large amounts of people. Having read the article ‘how to improve staff communication’, I have analysed the different options in improving communication and decided on 3 that would help Bucks New University in the communication with students.
1. Keep the personal touch
The idea of keeping a personal value between student and staff is important. Students would much rather appreciate this close relationship with their tutors so that there is more comfort when being around them, and talking to them. The university should consider this way to help communication as it does bring the communication down to a more personal level, where the students may feel more comfortable.
2. Consider your channels
Technological advances in media and in forms of communication can help the university on communicating with students. They already communicate via email and ‘blackboard’, however by bringing in social networking, they can advance on how quick, and successful the communication can be with students, as everyone checks their facebook, twitter etc.
The tutors need to engage the students, make them enthusiastic about the course they are doing, and help them in finding that inner want to achieve. By doing this, the atmosphere will be a better one and communication between tutor and student will be massively helped.
Perception of someone can be very wrong, as this is apparent in my scenario, however everyone will perceive something about someone, that cannot be helped, but it is essential not to stereotype and to always give the person a chance.
Communication is a key aspect of any organisation, and in the university, they will always look for better ways to communicate with students. The communication can impact on the work-rate of the student and can motivate them more in engaging fully in their course.
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