Wednesday, 11 May 2011


Recruitment is a key aspect of an organisations running. It is a long and time consuming process and in some organisations, is a significantly large aspect to get correct as recruitment is there to find the right person for the role at hand.

I have reviewed the online recruitment website It is easily accessible and the design format used is very drawing to the human eye. It is an attractive site and doesn’t ‘put you off’ when searching. The site allows a person to create a CV online and it can be uploaded with a cover letter. The site also allows a person to search for jobs, and specify the area, postcode, region etc to where they would like to search for the job. There is a career tools function which is very handy as it can give an insight to what the job is all about, and can be defined against other company’s positions which is very useful for someone wanting a new career. The final section which was very warming was the advice function, this allows a person to take a virtual job interview online and helps giving tips in building a CV and in interview techniques, all which are very useful for someone to use.

Advantages of Online Recruitment 

1) Cost Effective – advertisement on the internet is cheap, mainly free, so it would make sense to advertise on your own website, rather than a newspaper, or a flyer.
 Online recruitment is quick – it is very quick to put an advert up online, no printing or handing out needed, it is virtually at the click of a button.
 Online recruitment gives you a wider audience – people across the globe are now ‘online’ which does give an organisation more chance to target different audience.
 Online recruitment is easy – it isn’t a hard process to follow to make an advert online, this saves a lot of time and effort.
 Online recruitment gives a better chance of success – the online advert will remain there for as long as you see fit, whereas an advert in the paper has a time limit, this is very effective and gives the organisation more chance of the recruitment.

Disadvantages of Online Recruitment 

1) Too many candidates – there is always a case for too many applicants, where a business doesn’t have time to go through each and every application.
2) Specialised jobs – this is a massive setback, the advert may not reach out to the qualified specialists, and therefore a different measure may be needed.
3) Additional expense – if there are too many applicants, it may come with an additional expense to review each applicant.
4) Less face to face contact – you cannot determine a person’s personality or characteristics without face-to-face communication, therefore it is very hard to solely advert and interview online.
5) Candidate dissatisfaction – not everyone enjoys online recruitment, some candidates simply won’t find or even look for the jobs online, therefore the organisation may miss out on the right person for the job.

Online recruitment is a way forward, however it still isn’t the outright best way to recruit or advertise. It comes with many advantages, but for certain jobs, a lot more time is needed to find the right candidate.

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